Friday, January 22, 2010


All of my blogs recently have been about Etsy and crafting so here is some real life stuff...

I have always been one of those people who likes to dye their hair but I havn't gotten too since before I was pregnant. So this time I decided on platinum blonde. Yay! Aw somebody snuck a chubby arm into the picture!

Here is Bella doing some "tummy time" in some of the ruffle bottom pants I make...dang how did I get back to crafting?

Gotta love the bath time nakies!
AW! chubby! I love that little bum bum!


  1. Friday Follow! Your little girl is a doll!

  2. I LOVE those ruffle bottom pants!
    Stoppin' by from Friday Follow.

  3. Following you from the Friday Follow now! :)

  4. Your girl is beautiful , God bless her.

    New follower from Friday Follow.

    Have a nice weekend.

  5. So cute! Isn't Follow Friday great! I am a new follower, and look forward to reading lots more of your great posts!

    Stop by and say hi!

  6. Stopping by from Follow Friday. Have a great weekend!

  7. I know I'm kinda of late, but Friday Fellow my new friend brought me here. I'm now following you, and your chubby baby. ooooo She's so cute! Just wanna give her a big hug! Gonna stick around & watch her grow!

  8. I love fun hair dye colors! I tried some purple in my hair about a month ago but I didn't want to use bleach so it didn't take at all!

    Stopping by from Friday Follow :)

  9. Youre hair looks great! I think it suits you to a tee :)
    Following from Friday Follow (late, I know!)
    thx, Joe
    p.s Those are some cute pants you make - do you have an etsy store?

  10. Nothing better than an adorable baby! Popping in from Friday Follow. we are following hope you will too!
