Saturday, April 16, 2011

Joshua Tree National Park 2011

This week you can get into all National Parks for FREE! We decided to head to Joshua Tree National Park just a few minutes from out house. We haven't been for a couple years when we first moved here. We didn't venture in too far or do any of the hikes but we checked out the cactus garden and some rock formations.
Bella - "oooooOOOOoo!"
My husband like to photograph desert plantlife.
I love this one of Bella!!!

I like how he captured the bug on this flower

Cool rock tunnel


In the cactus gardens

Bella and daddy in the cactus gardens

Bella running free like a wild savage : ) I love how she takes her baby dolls everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun beautiful trip - good pics and looks like Bella had a blast! Can't wait to see you girls - wish Kelly could come too! Love the flower pic, of course!
